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Invisibility: Is It Possible To Be Invisible?

  Invisibility is perhaps one of the oldest concepts in ancient mythology. Since the advent of recorded history, people who have been alone on a creepy night have been frightened by the invisible spirits of the dead, the souls of the long-departed lurking in the dark. The Greek hero Perseus was able to slay the evil Medusa armed with the helmet of invisibility. Military generals have dreamed of an invisibility cloaking device. Being invisible, one could easily penetrate enemy lines and capture the enemy by surprise. Criminals could use invisibility to pull off spectacular robberies.    Invisibility played a central part in Plato’s theory of ethics and morality. In his philosophical masterpiece, The Republic, Plato recounts the myth of the ring of Gyges. The poor but honest shepherd Gyges of Lydia enters a hidden cave and finds a tomb containing a corpse wearing a golden ring. Gyges discovers that this golden ring has the magical power to make him invisible. Soon this poor shepherd is i
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