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What Is A Black Hole? How Is Black Hole Formed? Explained Briefly

  Black holes are among the most strange and mysterious objects in the Universe.These strange and mysterious objects are found in the center of almost all the Galaxies. Let's know about black holes in detail. What Is A Black Hole?   A black hole is the remnant of an old star, which dies by collapsing on itself due to gravity.The main part of the black hole is its singularity. A black hole's all mass is concentrated in a single point in space with zero volume and has infinite density. This part of black hole is known as singularity. This make the black holes the objects with most extreme and immense gravity.  Artistic Illustration Of A Black Hole Event Horizon   If you look at the black hole, you will be seeing at the event horizon. Event horizon is the boundary of the black hole. Once you have crossed the event horizon, there is no way out. The gravity is so strong that even light can't escape from it. The closer you get to the event horizon, stronger the gravi