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Teleportation: Is It Possible? |In Light Of Quantum Mechanics|

  Teleportation, or the ability to transport a person or object instantly from one place to another, is a technology that could change the course of civilization and alter the destiny of nations. It could irrevocably alter the rules of warfare: armies could teleport troops behind enemy lines or simply teleport the enemy’s leadership and capture them. Today’s transportation system—from cars and ships to airplanes and railroads, and all the many industries that service these systems—would become obsolete; we could simply teleport ourselves to work and our goods to market. Vacations would become effortless, as we teleport ourselves to our destination. Teleportation would change everything.

  Teleportation is also part of every magician’s bag of tricks and illusions: pulling rabbits out of a hat, cards out of his or her sleeves, and coins from behind someone’s ear. One of the more ambitious magic tricks of recent times featured an elephant disappearing before the eyes of a startled audience. In this demonstration a huge elephant, weighing many tons, was placed inside a cage. Then, with a flick of a magician’s wand, the elephant vanished, much to the amazement of the audience.(Of course, the elephant really did not disappear. The trick was performed with mirrors. Long, thin, vertical mirror strips were placed behind each bar of the cage. Like a gate, each of these vertical mirror strips could be made to swivel. At the start of the magic trick, when all these vertical mirror strips were aligned behind the bars, the mirrors could not be seen and the elephant was visible. But when the mirrors were rotated by 45 degrees to face the audience, the elephant disappeared, and the audience was left staring at the reflected image from the side of the cage.)

Visualization Of Teleportation

Teleportation And Quantum Theory

  According to Newtonian theory, teleportation is clearly impossible. Newton’s laws are based on the idea that matter is made of tiny, hard billiard balls. Objects do not move until they are pushed; objects do not suddenly disappear and reappear somewhere else. But in the quantum theory, that’s precisely what particles can do. Newton’s laws, which held sway for 250 years, were overthrown in 1925 when Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger, and their colleagues developed the quantum theory. When analyzing the bizarre properties of atoms, physicists discovered that electrons acted like waves and could make quantum leaps in their seemingly chaotic motions within the atom. The man most closely associated with these quantum waves is the Viennese physicist Erwin Schrödinger, who wrote down the celebrated wave equation that bears his name, one of the most important in all of physics and chemistry. Entire courses in graduate school are devoted to solving his famous equation, and entire walls of physics libraries are full of books that examine its profound consequences. In principle, the sum total of all of chemistry can be reduced to solutions to this equation.

  In 1905 Einstein had shown that waves of light can have particle-like properties; that is, they can be described as packets of energy called photons. But by the 1920s it was becoming apparent to Schrödinger that the opposite was also true: that particles like electrons could exhibit wavelike behavior. This idea was first pointed out by French physicist Louis de Broglie, who won the Nobel Prize for this conjecture. (We demonstrate this to our undergraduate students at our university. We fire electrons inside a cathode ray tube, like those commonly found in TVs. The electrons pass through a tiny hole, so normally you would expect to see a tiny dot where the electrons hit the TV screen. Instead you find concentric, wavelike rings, which you would expect if a wave had passed through the hole, not a point particle.) 

  One day Schrödinger gave a lecture on this curious phenomenon. He was challenged by a fellow physicist, Peter Debye, who asked him: If electrons are described by waves, then what is their wave equation? Ever since Newton created the calculus, physicists had been able to describe waves in terms of differential equations, so Schrödinger took Debye’s question as a challenge to write down the differential equation for electron waves. That month Schrödinger went on vacation, and when he came back he had that equation. So in the same way that Maxwell before him had taken the force fields of Faraday and extracted Maxwell’s equations for light, Schrödinger took the matter-waves of de Broglie and extracted Schrodinger’s equations for electrons. (Historians of science have spent some effort trying to track down precisely what Schrödinger was doing when he discovered his celebrated equation that forever changed the landscape of modern physics and chemistry. Apparently, Schrödinger was a believer in free love and would often be accompanied on vacation by his mistresses and his wife. He even kept a detailed diary account of all his numerous lovers, with elaborate codes concerning each encounter. Historians now believe that he was in the Villa Herwig in the Alps with one of his girlfriends the weekend that he discovered his equation.) When Schrödinger began to solve his equation for the hydrogen atom, he found, much to his surprise, the precise energy levels of hydrogen that had been carefully catalogued by previous physicists. He then realized that the old picture of the atom by Niels Bohr showing electrons whizzing around the nucleus (which is used even today in books and advertisements when trying to symbolize modern science) was actually wrong. These orbits would have to be replaced by waves surrounding the nucleus. Schrödinger’s work sent shock waves, as well, through the physics community. Suddenly physicists were able to peer inside the atom itself, to examine in detail the waves that made up its electron shells, and to extract precise predictions for these energy levels that fit the data perfectly.

  But there was still a nagging question that haunts physics even today. If the electron is described by a wave, then what is waving? This has been answered by physicist Max Born, who said that these waves are actually waves of probability. These waves tell you only the chance of finding a particular electron at any place and any time. In other words, the electron is a particle, but the probability of finding that particle is given by Schrödinger’s wave. The larger the wave, the greater the chance of finding the particle at that point. With these developments, suddenly chance and probability were being introduced right into the heart of physics, which previously had given us precise predictions and detailed trajectories of particles, from planets to comets to cannon balls. This uncertainty was finally codified by Heisenberg when he proposed the uncertainty principle, that is, the concept that you cannot know both the exact velocity and the position of an electron at the same time. Nor can you know its exact energy, measured over a given amount of time. At the quantum level all the basic laws of common sense are violated: electrons can disappear and reappear elsewhere, and electrons can be many places at the same time. Heisenberg’s theory was revolutionary and controversial—but it worked. In one sweep, physicists could explain a vast number of puzzling phenomena, including the laws of chemistry. To impress my Ph.D. students with just how bizarre the quantum theory is, I sometimes ask them to calculate the probability that their atoms will suddenly dissolve and reappear on the other side of a brick wall. Such a teleportation event is impossible under Newtonian physics but is actually allowed under quantum mechanics. The answer, however, is that one would have to wait longer than the lifetime of the universe for this to occur.

  The fact that electrons can seemingly be many places at the same time forms the very basis of chemistry. We know that electrons circle around the nucleus of an atom, like a miniature solar system. But atoms and solar systems are quite different; if two solar systems collide in outer space, the solar systems break apart and planets are flung into deep space. Yet when atoms collide they often form molecules that are perfectly stable, sharing electrons between them. In high school chemistry class the teacher often represents this with a “smeared electron,” which resembles a football, connecting the two atoms together. But what chemistry teachers rarely tell their students is that the electron is not “smeared” between two atoms at all. This “football” actually represents the probability that the electron is in many places at the same time within the football. In other words, all of chemistry, which explains the molecules inside our bodies, is based on the idea that electrons can be many places at the same time, and it is this sharing of electrons between two atoms that holds the molecules of our body together. Without the quantum theory, our molecules and atoms would dissolve instantly.

  In reality the quantum “jumps” so common inside the atom cannot be easily generalized to large objects such as people, which contain trillions upon trillions of atoms. Even if the electrons in our body are dancing and jumping in their fantastic journey around the nucleus, there are so many of them that their motions average out. That is, roughly speaking, why at our level substances seem solid and permanent. So while teleportation is allowed at the atomic level, one would have to wait longer than the lifetime of the universe to actually witness these bizarre effects on a macroscopic scale. But can one use the laws of the quantum theory to create a machine to teleport something on demand, as in science fiction stories? Surprisingly, the answer is a qualified yes.


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