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Showing posts from November, 2020

Time Travel: Possible Options Of Time Travel |Paradoxes Of Time Travel|

  Our Universe started with a big bang and at that instant the main ingredients of the universe were created, which are known as space-time. Space has three dimensions and time has only one dimension. Since space has three dimensions, we can go in three directions left, right and up or at any point in space but on the other hand time has only one dimension due to which we can go in only one direction in time with a constant rate, which is future. However, there remains a question that can we travel to any point in time like we can go anywhere in space? Is time travel possible? The short answer is “yes”. Time Travel   Time is one of the great mysteries of the universe. We are all swept up in the river of time against our will. Time travel has been the main topic for science fiction writers. But the first serious attempt to explore time travel in fiction was H. G. Wells’s classic The Time Machine, in which the hero is sent hundreds of thousands of years into the future. In that distant

Four Fundamental Forces Of Nature |A Brief Explanation|

  At the time of ancient Greeks, it was believed that all matter in the Universe was made up of four basic elements - earth, air, water and fire. Furthermore, it was also believed that matter was continuous , that is, one could divide a piece of matter into smaller and smaller bits without any limit: one never came up against a grain of matter that could not be divided further. However, some Greeks, such as Democritus, believed that all the matter was made up of small particles, which could not be further divided, and these tiny particles were called atoms. (The word atom means “indivisible” in Greek.) However, our understanding of nature have been changed by years of research and now we have a better explanation of how our Universe works. There are four fundamental forces which dominate the Universe and on the basis of these forces the Universe works. Here is a brief explanation of these forces. Gravitational Force   The gravity is the weakest of all the forces. It is a universal fo